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Attentive Audience


A Summary of My PHD

Talking about my PhD on mapping under-five mortality, its determinants and their impact at the county level in Kenya since 1965.

Geospatial Technologies, Health and COVID-19

In radio Maisha studio to shed light on how GIS & other spatial technologies are being used to map the spread of COVID-19

EO & GIS Tools For Climate Adaptation in The Health Sector

Keynote speaker during The RCMRD International Conference: held virtually 17th -19th August 2021

Improving Accessibility of Malaria Services Using Geospatial Data and Technologies

Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) TechTalks webinar: held 11th October 2022. APMEN is a network of countries and partner institutions, committed to eliminate malaria in Asia Pacific by 2030

Leveraging Spatial Accessibility and Catchment Areas Models to Improve Disease Mapping

PHRG seminar held Tuesday 27 September 2022 at St Andrews University, UK

Female Presenter

& Invited Presentations

November 6, 2023
Variation in new-born mortality risk across the urban continuum in Tanzania. Is the urban health advantage reversing?

GlobeLife Seminar | Institutet (Sweden) and Uppsala University (Sweden), held virtually.

September 21, 2023
Neonatal & perinatal mortality in the urban continuum

Conference on Health and Environmental Change” | Leuven (Belgium).

September 27, 2022
Leveraging Spatial accessibility and catchment areas models to improve disease mapping

PHRG seminar | St Andrews university, UK

June 17, 2021
Mapping child survival and why it matters: Insights from geospatial modelling

Virtual webinar at LSHTM's Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases.

June 18, 2021
Application of GIS in the health sector

Monthly Geospatial Society of Kenya Webinar held virtually.

December 8, 2020
The impact of child health interventions and disease on child survival in Kenya: A spatio-temporal analysis, 1993-2014

Malaria Lecture Series | Webinar 21 for Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. held virtually.

November 20, 2020
Regional disparities in disaster management and how GIS can be used to bring a bring a balance

A panelist during the University of Nairobi GIS day conference held virtually.

November 20, 2020
The role of GIS in Kenya’s response to COVID-19

An invited presentation during the University of Nairobi GIS day conference held virtually.

September 9, 2020
A vulnerability index for COVID-19: spatial analysis at the subnational level in Kenya

36th KWTRP Epidemiology and Demography Quarterly meeting held Virtually.

August 26, 2020
A vulnerability index for COVID-19: spatial analysis at the subnational level in Kenya

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation weekly COVID-19 Epi and Modelling meeting.

November 20-24, 2019
Subnational mapping of under-five mortality and its determinants in Kenya since 1965

68th Annual Meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Maryland, USA.

September 8-11, 2019
The role of determinants on Under-five mortality heterogeneity in Kenya

Oxford Tropical Network Conference at St Catherine's College, Oxford, UK.

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